Tuesday 18 March 2014

Shooting schedule.

We never really had a planned out shooting schedule but we had a vague idea of when we would be filming, editing etc. However we where sure we would do the majority of our filming in the half term.
We eventually came to the conclusion that all the scenes filmed inside (The kitchen scene's) in school term. In this case was at approximatly 7 o clock on a Tuesday night. We took the decision to film at night as we wanted the outside climate to be dark as it coensides well with the ethos of our film, dark and gloomy.

The shot's in the forrest/woods were all filmed in the half term as we felt it would give us much more time to make sure all the shots were perfect. This turned out to be a good decision as it took us 3 days to film all the shots to our liking. Another reason why we choose to give ourselves a prolonged time frame to film the forrest shots was because of the weather. We filmed in late January/early February, meaning the weather was very unpredictable. Un fortunately we had 2 whole weeks of horrible weather so it was difficult for filming to flow smoothly.

We also had to plan our filming schedule around the free time of our Rene and Grace, our actor/actress. This was not very difficult as they both had a lot of time, which was very helpful for Sachin, Alex and myself. We finished all our filming by late February and commenced editing straight away.

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